In order to assist individuals interested in learning more about the fundamentals of health care compliance and help answer questions about what to do when compliance issues arise, the Office of Inspector General recently posted the HEAT Provider Compliance Training slide presentation and written materials which accompany its compliance training…
Articles Posted in Compliance
New Medicare Compliance Newsletter Released
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) released the latest edition of its Medicare Compliance Newsletter. The publication contains examples of Medicare billing errors and guidance on how to avoid such mistakes. The newsletter may be viewed here. For more information regarding compliance or for assistance defending an audit,…
Signature Requirements Fact Sheet Now Available
Our attorneys are seeing an increase in Medicare claim denials resulting from the lack of valid practitioner signatures. A new publication from the Medicare Learning Network® titled “Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) Signature Requirements” provides the guidance necessary to avoid such denials. The fact sheet aims to educate health care…
Medicare Part B Contractor Denies 96% of Neurology Claims in Recent Probe
Wisconsin Physician Services (“WPS”), the Medicare Part B Carrier for providers in Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin, recently conducted a service-specific probe review of Current Procedural Terminology (“CPT”) 99233 billed by neurology providers. WPS found that only 4 percent of billed claims were payable. 96 percent were denied or down-coded.…
OIG Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Report Issued
The FY 2010 Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Report was issued on January 24, 2011 by the Office of Inspector General (“OIG”). This report summarizes the health care fraud prevention and enforcement efforts that yielded results during fiscal year (“FY”) 2010. According to the Report, the federal government…
Compliance Risks Are Real – OIG Report Reflects That The Government Projects Almost $26 Billion In Recoveries And Savings In FY 2010
When advising clients regarding the legal risks potentially implicated by the health care transactions into which they contemplate entering, we at The Health Law Partners have consistently articulated the mantra that “there is substantially heightened scrutiny in the regulatory arena.” It is not uncommon for clients to inquire, upon hearing…
December 31: New York’s Medicaid Compliance Certification Deadline
The days are counting down to December 31 where certain New York providers and suppliers must certify that they have adopted and implemented “effective compliance programs” to be eligible to receive Medicaid payments (for a more detailed explanation of the requirements under the Medicaid Provider Compliance Programs can be found…
Red Flags No Longer Applicable to Healthcare Practices
Passed in the House and Senate and awaiting signature by the President, the Red Flag Program Clarification Act of 2010 limits the definition of “creditor” to include only those that use consumer reports, furnish information to consumer reporting agencies or advance funds to a person. Importantly, the definition does not…
Medicaid Prescriptions Hit the Street with Alarming Frequency
From the medicine cabinet to the street. 33 people have been charged so far as Buffalo, NY investigators devote increasingly greater resources toward an emerging class of suppliers in the illicit drug trade: medical patients, including many who rely on Medicaid to fund their prescriptions. Often at no charge, patients…
CMS Releases Stark Self-Referral Disclosure Protocol
On September 23, CMS released its Voluntary Self-Referral Disclosure Protocol (“SRDP”) pursuant to Section 6409 of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), which “requires the Secretary of HHS to inform providers of services and suppliers of how to disclose an actual or potential violation pursuant to the protocol….” The new statutory…